Monday, March 1, 2010

Under Construction

Well, what the hell...time for a blog. I've had a small one before...pretty much filled with the activity I was emersed in at the time...Scrapbooking. Like many things that had to hit the road when me and my husband seperated, scrapping was one of the first. Not just for the plain fact that its so rediculously expensive, but for the simple fact that me and my children were moving from a 3 story home to a 3 bdrm apartment. Slap!!! Yah, right in the face! No space to breathe your own clean air...nevermind find a decent scrapping space...But honestly, even with the many things I've had to give up, I'm the happiest i've been in a long, long time. Yah, breakups suck...especially 13 year ones, but when you know its time, its time. If only us adults could snap back into shape like our kids. Resiliant or what? Man, its almost like they're made of rubber. Especially my son, who honestly has more of a meltdown over how much milk is in his cereal then the huge changes we've been through this last year. It amazes me. My daughter on the other hand has been blessed like her mother with being such a girl. Boohoo for us I guess...hormonal beings, which she has become over night. The whatever! and So!? being an integral part of her day. I'm just learning to breathe through those glorious moments. Remember when you were a kid and you were told to count to 10 to calm down? Yah well trust doesn't work. I just take the jar of peanut butter into the bathroom, lock the door and cry. It's much more efficient for me, but hey whatever works for you...go for it! So yes, the blog will be under construction for a bit...but i'm working on it...the time consuming bastard that it is. So in all this i've found a very inexpensive pal in my writing. I figure if anything comes from me venting my disfunction on a daily should be good right? Well only time will tell...but once things are up and running on my end, hopefully it will be a shove in the organizational back soon!