Monday, March 1, 2010


Oh no...not the 80's pop song...its the lightbulb moment A-HA!!! After numerous attempts at trying to put my new background on my blog...I had a fleeting thought...maybe my BF's very expensive, very convenient alienware computer doesn't allow javascript...??? After chatting with my GF Jo, she took the task and nipped it in the buttocks...fixed it right away...and yuppers that was the problemo all along...I could've had it done on my own computer right away...but instead of sitting on this sluggish bugger, I opted to use Jessey's fancy, yet scary laptop. I knew there was a reason i don't wanna use it....not just cos' i'm scared to break or somehow corrupt his baby...but I have to admit...its nice to veg on the couch with the computer on my lap, instead of sitting on a bar stool bent over on mine...feeling the remnants of it later on my back....smarty pants eh! Thanks Jo...officially my technical support!


  1. LOL...I love this blog backround so much better!!! It is "you" Love it!

  2. Thanx Jo....I love this one too...
